Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall Semester

I am so grateful school has started. Since I was laid off in July I have been kind of miserable. I miss the routine of work and for the first time in my adult life being unemployed has been a challenge. My first class was last Thursday. I have class again today and on Mondays. I am hoping these three classes plus classroom observations will keep me occupied and fully engaged until Christmas break. Sadly I did not pass my last certification test. I am scheduled to retake it on October 30th.

I truly love this time of year: the beginning of school and the fall weather starting to creep in. The stores are filled with back to school supplies and Halloween decorations. Later this week I will unpack my own fall decorations and start the fall cleaning and organizing at home. The cooler weather makes working around the house enjoyable. I love opening up all the windows and breathing in the cool crisp air.

I few months ago I read an online newsletter from the school district I attended as a child. My sixth grade teacher passed away last May. She was a wonderful woman and I contacted her over 10 years ago via email. I asked her advice about switching careers and she told me to go for it. To be honest I was surprised she even remembered me. She said she had moved from teaching sixth grade to reading. There was (and still is) a big push for reading specialists and she felt like it was time to try something different. She said she loved teaching and enjoyed hearing from former students. I told her she made a difference in my life and I thanked her. Sixth grade was a rough year for me. My parents were in the middle of a nasty divorce and life at home was chaotic. She was so supportive and really helped me come out of my shell. Her classroom was a safe haven from the drama of home. I can only hope and pray my classroom will provide such solace.