Sunday, February 13, 2011

On the front lines...

I am deep in the trenches of my student teaching assignment. It started slowly, which I am grateful for. The teacher I am working with knows what he is doing and I am following his lead. Right now I am teaching two 11th grade English Regents classes and I observe an Honors English 12th grade class. This week I will start teaching the Honors class along with my 11th graders and observe some 9th grade inclusion classes.

Last Wednesday my teaching supervisor observed me during my 4th period class. I was incredibly nervous. (I later joked with my husband the last time I was that nervous was on our wedding day.) The students were nothing short of amazing. They knew something was going on and they gave me their full respect and cooperation. It was one of those "teacher moments" that brought me such joy I could have cried. This solidified my reasons for wanting to become a teacher.

My supervisor had nothing but positive comments. He told me to slow down a bit and enjoy the students. I was so focused on getting through my lesson plan and as fate would have it I finished early which was not so good. He said it's par for the course when you are learning to teach. There is no magic bullet. Everything comes in time and you are constantly revising things.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. I can't remember the last time I looked forward to a Monday that wasn't a holiday. I still have lesson planning and a quiz to make up but I am happy. I just hope I am lucky enough to get a job when I graduate.